My Morning Journal

Each morning I endeavor to take 5-10 minutes to write a morning journal.  Here’s the structure I follow:

  • Notable events and feelings (1/2 page, free form):
  • What do I fear most today?
  • How can I mitigate the outcome I fear?
  • 3 main life goals at the moment:
  • 3 things I’m grateful for:

That’s it.  I only give myself one page in a small moleskin journal so that I have to be succinct and focused.  I’ve found that because it’s a relatively small undertaking, I’m more likely to do it every morning (though I still miss days).  Yet, despite being a small effort, the results on my mental state at the start of the day have been tremendous.  I’m much more focused, content and purposeful.

Give it a try but don’t just copy what I do, try different formats and see what works best for you.

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